The last landmine casualty was only 2 hours ago. How many steps did you take in that time? Imagine if each of those steps were taken not knowing if when you placed your foot down you would face life, death or dismemberment. It’s a terrifying way to walk through life and a harsh reality faced by innocent people and communities around the globe each day.

Atrocities created by indiscriminate weapons are solvable in our lifetime. But we can’t do it alone. We need your help. Take the next step. Take it today. Take it right now.

Standing still is not an option. It’s time for you to make a move.

Learn more about some simple acts that you can do to make a world of difference:

I have a couple minutes

In less time than it takes to take a morning shower or shut down your computer, you can make a big impact. Here are a few simple actions you can quickly take to make an impact and help spread the message:

I have an hour

Taking just hour out of your week can have an incredible impact on helping raise awareness and increase engagement. Here are a few actions you can take within an hour, which will have a much longer lasting impact:

  • Contact your Parliamentarian to call for Canadian leadership on humanitarian disarmament. Parliamentarians can ensure that Canada steps up to finish the job on landmines and cluster munitions, supports the ban on nuclear weapons or leads the way to a ban on autonomous weapons. See all our tips for contacting your Parliamentarian here.
  • Write an article or letter for your local media or blog using our how-to guides.
  • Reach out to your city council and ask them to join the ICAN Cities Appeal. Even though disarmament is a federal responsibility, we know that cities are going to be responsible for trying to respond if nuclear weapons are ever used again. If you do not see your city on this list, use our template letter ask them to speak up.

I am committed

Thank you for making a commitment to making an impact. Here are a handful of activities that actively raise awareness, educate others and directly contribute toward a concrete change for good:

  • Promote by helping to spread the word! Organize an educational event or give a presentation to your school, church, community, workplace
  • Volunteer with Mines Action Canada.
  • Raise Your support helps us implement programs here in Canada and around the world, and moves us closer to our goal - a safer and more peaceful world for everyone.
    • Host a Bomb Appetit! Dinner party

    • Organize a Monopoly, Payday or Life tournament. Charge an entrance fee or ask players to donate a portion of their game winnings in real funds!

    • Help others walk without fear by collecting pledges for MAC when you participate in a run or walk in your community

We can absolutely solve this problem in our lifetime – but not without your help! Take the next steps:  LEARNGIVE.

Real change for good is within reach. It takes just one step. Make it yours. Make it today.