Actions in support of our mission can be as minimal of investment as participating in political action alerts (like writing a letter to your MP) to more intensive actions such as organizing educational events (like school or community group presentations on the issue), or fundraising events to support advocacy work in Canada (like a casual dress day at work during Canadian Landmine Action Week in February).

Organize an educational awareness raising event

Let people know that landmines, cluster bombs and explosive remnants of war harm thousands each year. Events could be:

  • an information table in a public space (shopping center, community center), schools and universities
  • a roundtable discussion or speakers panel
  • a display of drawings and paintings in a public space
  • a memorial shoepile that you build representing all the lives and limbs lost to these weapons. One mis-step and life will never be the same again!

Help break new ground on an age-old problem. Visit our page of How-to Guides or contact us at info [at] for more information.