Meet our new Project Officer Diane Mukuka! Diane joined our office earlier this fall and we've been so happy to have her part of the team. So happy to welcome her that we decided to do a little Q&A. 

You bring experience working on gender equality and human rights issues for NGOs in Zambia, and doing community development work in Saskatchewan. Please tell us a bit about these experiences and the skills they have taught you which you bring to this job. 

My work experience in gender programing and human rights goes back to 2005, when I worked with Caritas Zambia as a community engagement officer in the gender program. I later worked at Plan Zambia, where I was coordinator for the Girls Economic Empowerment Project, a flagship project of the Because I’m a Girl global campaign aimed at fostering gender equality. The skills I acquired over nine years’ experience in Zambia, which I believe will be useful in my new job at MAC, include: youth skills development; project development and management (design and implementation, proposal writing and resource mobilization, monitoring and evaluation); and, engaging with communities and civic leaders on sensitive subjects.

Since moving to Canada in 2016, I have done community development work with two Saskatchewan-based organizations: International Women of Saskatoon, easing newcomers through their settlement process (e.g. client needs assessments, group workshops); and READ Saskatoon, as coordinator for the financial literacy program (developing and delivering workshops). Both these jobs also required monitoring and reporting functions.

My one big take from all these work experiences has been the ability to apply a gender lens to any kind of humanitarian and development programming.

How did you learn about Mines Action Canada’s work in humanitarian disarmament?

Through a friend initially. At first I was just curious, but the more I read, the more interested I became, and I started following MAC on social media.

What are you most looking forward to in your new job?

I look forward to learning more about disarmament and engaging in conversation about humanitarian disarmament. Most of all though, I look forward to working with young people from all over the world. I find great energy in working with youth.

What do you like doing in your spare time?

I like to read, bake and swim.


Erin Hunt


Disarming humanitarian, banning landmines, cluster bombs, killer robots & nukes, working @MinesActionCan and loving the fights I lose.