Our colleagues at PAX in the Netherlands released a great new animated video about the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots today.  This video brings to light some of the key issues we are trying to address in this campaign in a fun and informative way.

Check it out and share your thoughts in the comments.

Now the team at PAX wasn’t content just to post an amazing video, they also released a new report today.  In Deadly Decisions: 8 objections to killer robots, the team opens with a disconcerting quote from John Pike:

"First, you had human beings without machines.

Then you had human beings with machines.

And finally you have machines without human beings."

After that the report outlines eight key objections to the development and use of killer robots.  It is definitely worth a read: http://www.paxvoorvrede.nl/media/files/deadlydecisionsweb.pdf.

Great work PAX!

Mines Action Canada


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