What is the issue?

New data has been released by Action on Armed Violence, a civil society organization that has been monitoring civilian casualties from armed violence since 2010. The new data is shocking and highlights how important it is that we continue to advocate for civilians to be protected during conflict. The use of explosive weapons in populated areas does not need to be viewed as a "necessary evil" but can instead be viewed as a stigmatized method from the past.

In 2023, 36,640 civilians were killed or injured from armed violence. 

In 2024, this number was 61,353.

Both numbers are completely unacceptable- civilians should never be the target, which means explosive weapons should not be used in populated areas. International Humanitarian Law, or the rules of war, clearly state that military attacks should be discriminate (able to distinguish between military and non-military) and proportionate (if civilian harm is unavoidable, it should be proportionate to level of military necessity). These high numbers indicate that these basic rules of warfare are not being adhered to. 

The massive 67% surge in civilian deaths from 2023 to 2024 is a result of Israel's conduct in Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria. Israel's actions accounted for 55% of global civilian casualties from explosive weapons in 2024, largely due to Israeli use of explosive weapons in densely populated areas across the region, particularly in Gaza. This level of indiscriminate attacks has been classified as a genocide against the Palestinian people by many human rights organizations, including Amnesty International

Russia is the next largest perpetrator, with their explosive weapon use causing 19% of civilian casualties in 2024, and Myanmar causing 5% of recorded casualties. 

This has made 2024 deadliest year on record since Action on Armed Violence began monitoring civilian casualties in 2010.

Canada has signed the Political Declaration on Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas which is a positive first step. However, since Canada signed in November 2022, the commitments in the EWIPA Political Declaration have not been upheld. Particularly, the last action point of the EWIPA Political Declaration states that all signatories should actively promote the Declaration and seek its adherence by all States and non-state actors. Considering that Israel was the largest perpetrator of civilian harm from explosive weapons last year, it is extremely disappointing that Canada consistently has shown support for Israel including through the transfer of arms. We must advocate for Canada to promote and implement the EWIPA Political Declaration, even if it means condemning an ally. Through strong domestic and international pressure, Canada has begun to speak out on Israel's actions in Gaza, which shows that our voices do make a difference. It is important to keep up the pressure and remind Canada, and other States, of their commitments under International Humanitarian Law. 

How can we advocate against this issue? 

The Political Declaration on Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas (EWIPA Political Declaration) is a tool to fight against civilian harm from explosive weapons. It is a recognition that when explosives are used in cities and urban areas, the data has shown that over 80% of victims are civilians. Since the rules of war state that civilians should not be targeted, it is clear why explosives shouldn't be used in densely populated areas.

To help advocate against this issue, you can share this new data with your Member of Parliament (MP), and make them aware that Canada is a signatory to the EWIPA Political Declaration. The more MPs who are aware of Canada's commitments under the EWIPA Political Declaration, the better tool it can become to protect civilians from the use of explosive weapons in populated areas.  If you would like to learn more about how to advocate against the use of explosive weapons in populated areas, reach out to us at [email protected].